Your ability does not outright detect evil players - it detects players who are lying about their character ability. This can catch out players who are good AND evil, since many good players have a reason to be dishonest about their character... at least initially. If you catch someone out in a lie, see what they have to say for themselves. Good players will usually come clean about their real character, while evil players will have to choose between picking a second bluff to match your information or doubling down on their claim.
Pick players to verify their claims. If someone is claiming to be the Gambler, they'll wake up every night - check them and see if they're being honest. As another example, someone claiming to be a Courtier will only wake up each night until they've used their ability - if they're claiming to have poisoned someone, you can check to see if that's true by seeing if they wake up the next night!
Early in the game, you can tell players what you know about them before they have revealed their character. This helps them to trust you.
Pick the same players a couple of nights in a row. Some characters don't act consistently on every night. For example, an Assassin claiming to be an Innkeeper could wake up one night when you check them, appearing to be legitimate. However once they have killed, they do not wake up again, meaning that checking them for a second night will give them away as being dishonest.
Find a player with an ability that doesn't act at night (like the Fool or Minstrel - if you trust this player, you can use them as base for checking a single person thoroughly. Since the Fool or Minstrel will always give you a 0, you know that any read of '1' must be coming from the other player that you select. This method is slower and garners you less information about the entire town overall in favor of getting a narrow and accurate focus on 1 player.
Pick as many players as you can, casting a wide net and getting a good amount of information on the entire town. Death can come at any time in Bad Moon Rising, and broad information will give you a lot of options to worth with when comparing to other players and their information/claims.
If you learn which good players are which characters, you can claim to have chosen them, and give correct information about their night time activities. This makes them look trustworthy, and makes you look trustworthy too.
If you don't know which good players are which characters, you can throw caution to the wind, and give information that doesn't match their night time activities. For example, if you claim to have chosen players who are saying that they are the Exorcist and the Innkeeper, but you say that only one of them woke, it is likely that the good team will distrust the Townsfolk before they distrust you.
Confirm evil players, to help your team look trustworthy. You can either listen to which bluffs your team mates are making, and then give information that matches those bluffs, or you can give information (and maybe a wink, for the slow-on-the-uptake teammate) and hope that your fellow evil players realize that they should bluff as characters that match your Chambermaid information.
If you don't know who is who, telling the group that you received a "1" is safer than a "0" or a "2". If you give a 0, and 1 of your chosen players actually woke up, they know you are lying. If you give a 2, and either player didn't wake up, they know that you are lying. But, if you give a 1, then whether or not a player woke, they won't know whether you are lying, or if you are the Chambermaid and the other player you chose is lying.
If you are a good player, bluffing as the Chambermaid can be good way to intimidate a player into telling the truth about their character. If you suspect that they are lying (or they haven't said anything at all), you can claim to know whether they have woken up at night, which might prompt them into changing their character bluff (if evil), or revealing who they really are (if good). The Chambermaid is fairly unique in this ability to detect whether people are lying, without detecting whether they are good or evil.